Saturday, 22 November 2014

LWGS - Almost 2 weeks down

So its almost  time for my third weigh in. Monday is looming but instead of dreading it I am almost looking forward to it. Perhaps I am a little worried that I wont see a change on the scales or on the tape measure but I have reason to be optimistic.

I registered at a new GP practise yesterday and I got weighed as part of the sign up. According to their more accurate scales I am 1.5kg less than I thought. That's roughly 3 pounds lighter. May not seem alot to others but its alot to me. So fingers crossed for Monday.
cinnamon roll protein pancake
Image from Blogilates website, mine unfortunately didn't look this good. They tasted great though

Starting to see changes in the mirror and in how well I am doing in the blogilates. I am doing harder exercises now and loving it. Also eating even better now and trying more of the Blogilates clean meals. Cinnamon protein pancakes this morning, they were gorgeous!!

Wish me luck, 2 days till weigh in :D

My favourite videos the last few days have been 'Extreme Abs' or '10 Minute Ab sculpting' and the 'Feel good soul stretches' to relax after a workout.

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