Tuesday, 5 February 2013

LWGS: Shake or Powder Meals

Caramal Shake from Allizone
If I gave anyone dieting advice one of the first things I would say is steer clear from drinks, shakes or powder meals. Anything that extreme is bad for your body and it usually tastes foul! Eat healthily and reduce your portion size, simple but effective. Plus it makes your skin glow :) However my old room mate left me some diet meals he'd spent a fortune buying so last year I thought I would give them a try.......

They were great! I only went on them for a week to see how well they worked and to give my weight loss a boost, having been the same weight for a few weeks. In one week I dropped a dress size! I think as an extreme week to get you dieting its great but I would never do this full time. You cant work out as much and you're not getting the fibre your body needs; exercise and fibre are crucial for weight loss.

If you want to try shakes then I'd say definitely give these a go. They have much more nutrients than the average powder meal plan and some of them taste quite nice. Though don't get the strawberry cold drinks, they are disgusting!

My favourite so far have been the caramel cold drinks and the omlettes. They are so filling and taste the best out of all the meals. The chocolate pudding is also a must if you want to include something that feels like a treat.

The allizone treatment is quiet alot of money but you dont just get the shakes, you also have ultrasound therapy each week to target the stubborn areas of fat. My room mate was on the diet for around 2 months and there was a massive difference, I think he lost 3 stone. However he said he wouldn't do it again as the target treatment didn't work. He bought the shake meals off a different site and continued the regime without allizone, he still saw great results. Unfortunately I cant remember what site he got the replacements off. If I find out I will let you know.

You take 5-7 meals a day and each meal is around 100cals. I honestly felt full through out the day and it was such a relieve to not have to think about what I was going to cook.

So if you're looking for a meal plan like this I'd say give it a go but if you want steady reliable long term weightloss stick to veggies and real home cooked meals.

Whats your favourtie diet plan out there?
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